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Thanks for visiting my little corner of the internet. I'm glad you're here. :) Here's a bit about me in the form of some FAQs:

Where can I find your resume?

Right this way! 

What do you do?

I design digital products with beauty and brains, form and function, UI & UX (and research) — you get the idea. Drawing from my background in art and analytics, I create beautiful products that are grounded in insights and realized through a holistic approach. 

What's important to you?

  • Bridging data-informed strategy and clean, delightful design. I get excited about solving tough problems and distilling simplicity from the complex.

  • Collaboration!  My happy place is working hand-in-hand with developers, stakeholders, and end-users via participatory design.

  • Accessibility & inclusion — building for everyone.

  • Design systems and streamlining development. 

How did you get here?

I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin (BA in Art History from the College of Fine Art) before joining Gensler in Los Angeles, where I managed knowledge, oversaw information architecture initiatives, and built dashboards to help internal teams better leverage a wealth of institutional knowledge.  Being a data evangelist was a huge part of this role (or maybe just my personality?), so I launched an internal campaign, complete with TED Talks and *gorgeous* training materials to make data entry a little sexier. Once folks were inspired to input clean data, the tools I built simplified the task and eliminated a lot of the guesswork, while helping users get more out of what they put in. It was during this magical, formative time that I realized I wanted to focus on "tool-building", so I started freelancing as a UX designer and strategist while obtaining UX Certification.


Next, I joined a digital agency where I designed a wide range of products, including a cross-platform mobile app for a global manufacturing company, a voice-controlled operating room assistant for a hospital group, a culture-building app for distributed teams, a companion app for collaborating in virtual meetings, and a comprehensive design system. 


In November 2020, I joined Madewell as a UX product designer focusing on, PDP redesign, and conversion-driving features. 

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